DOD Grant - Code Updates

Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code Update

Military Airspace Protection and Renewable Energy Development



The Crook County Community Development Department received a grant from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation to support land uses that are compatible with United States military activities.  For example, the military has several training routes that fly over eastern Crook County. 


The County will work with the DOD to identify military activities and make sure that development in these area does not interfere with or encroach on military activities.  A key element of the project will be to ensure early coordination with the DOD prior to any local land use decision.  Maps of the military activities in Crook County are included as supporting documents

The County is also updating code language for siting renewable energy projects.  The intent is to simplify code language while ensuring requirements are consistent with current County goals, state law and recent court cases.  The County has worked with developers to site several solar projects in the past decade and that experience will help determine the need for any code changes.

The County will talk to community members, renewable energy developers, other state and local agencies and the military to gather information and address concerns.


We’ll be holding a series of work sessions and public hearing beginning in January 2025.  Check back for meeting information and draft documents. 

First work session with Crook County Planning Commission - January 22, 2025 at 4:00 P.M. Click here for meeting information. 

First Public Hearing with Crook County Planning Commission - Tentatively March 12, 2025 at 4:00 P.M. Click here for meeting information. 


Stay Connected!

Share your feedback or ask questions by filling out the for at the bottom of the page. 



Map of military training routes in Crook County with County land use zones - See Supporting Documents below.

Link to Oregon Renewable Energy Siting Assessment -

Documents to be posted when available:

Draft comprehensive plan language

Draft land use code language 

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