Strategic Plan

Library Vision for Strategic Plan, 2025-2030

As part of the strategic planning process, Crook County residents will have an opportunity to discuss community needs and share their vision for library services at one of the town hall meetings.    Tool library anyone?  More meeting spaces?  The first Town Hall will be held at the Crook County Library, March 9th, 10am, in the Broughton Room.  The second Town Hall will be held on March 9th, at the Juniper Canyon Baptist Church, 1pm, 9180 SE Juniper Canyon Road, Prineville, Oregon.  Hope to see you at one of the meetings or feel free to stop in for a chat!

Crook County Library Planning for the Future

Crook County Library is currently undergoing a strategic planning process to create a five-year plan that will allow us to align library services and resources with community needs.  This will be accomplished through broad community engagement that will include gathering input from a community-based task force, several stakeholder and key informant interviews, community forums, focus groups, library staff and a survey about community needs and the roles of the library.  The Project Team coordinating and facilitating the strategic planning process will consist of the County Librarian and two library consultants, Ruth Metz, and Erin McCusker.  The Task Force will include a cross-section of collaborative community members who will recommend roles of the library and high-level goals for the years 2024-2029.  They will help by providing their perspectives and helping the Project Team analyze input from community forums, key informant interviews, and the survey.

Library staff will bring their knowledge of the community and the library to the process.  They will help the Project Team process community input and assess the library’s capabilities for meeting the needs of the community.

The Library Board of Trustees will participate in the community input and dialog about the library.  They will help track the process and offer advice.  Two library advisory board members will be on the Task Force, Natalie Good, Board Chair, and Sandy Kerbow.  The Library Board of Trustees will be briefed at their regular meetings on the progress of the planning.  The Library Board and Friends will participate in a focus group on March 7th.  The final strategic plan will be presented at a library board meeting.

What will we have at the end of this process?  The Project Team will analyze input from all sources and develop the Strategic Framework of the 2025-2030 plan.  The Strategic Framework will include a vision for the library, roles and mission, strategic imperatives, and high-level goals.  Based on the Strategic Framework, the County Librarian and staff will develop and publish a roadmap for the next five years.

Please take the Crook County Library strategic planning survey, available April 3 – April 22, 2024: