Library History

Vision Statement

The Crook County Library is relevant, accessible, and useful to our community. It is an environment where people come together for lifelong learning, enjoyment, and connection.

Mission Statement

Our knowledgeable and engaging staff will provide traditional and innovative resources and create welcoming spaces where everyone can experience the joy of learning and discovery.



The Women's Auxiliary of the Commercial Club of Prineville organized to raise funds to establish a library.


The County Court formally established the Crook County Library, which was housed in several rooms of the Courthouse at the request of the renamed Crook County Library Club.


A ballot initiative passed that began raising funds for a dedicated library facility. The volunteer club turned over their responsibilities to an official Library Board of Trustees.


To serve the county population of 9,375, a 3,600 square foot library building was constructed on the corner of 2nd Street and Belknap.


After a successful bond measure and fundraising campaign, a 17,500 square foot library facility was constructed for a population of 16,800 on the corner of 2nd Street and Meadow Lakes Drive. The building was designed by well-known architect Richard Turi, who designed over 20 libraries in Oregon throughout his career.